Customized Massage

The Best Customized Massage in Golden Valley
Customized Massage In Golden Valley, Minnesota

The goal of a customized massage is to, first, relieve acute pain with strategic pressure and techniques in targeted areas, then bring awareness to the rest of the body. Margaret’s expertise in rehabilitative massage, trigger point, myofascial release, cupping, reflexology, and energy work allows her to assess the potential causes of the pain, use the most effective technique in the most effective place, and educate her clients on how to feel better, longer. She also offers 90 minute Thai Massage, a fully clothed form of bodywork done on the floor which combines, pressure and stretching.

Here are three key benefits that make our program the best customized massage in Golden Valley:

1. Targeted Pain Relief: Our program excels in providing immediate and effective relief from acute pain. The targeted approach ensures that the root cause of discomfort is addressed, offering lasting relief.

2. Enhanced Mobility and Flexibility: Regular sessions contribute to improved mobility and flexibility. Techniques like myofascial release and stretching in Thai Massage help in loosening tight muscles and improving range of motion.

3. Holistic Health and Wellness: Our customized massage is more than a physical treatment; it’s a pathway to holistic health. By incorporating elements of energy work and reflexology, the program supports not only physical but also emotional and energetic well-being.

Embark on a journey of personalized healing and rejuvenation with our customized massage program.

Fill out the form and schedule your first visit

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